Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The effect of agricultural fertilizer and pesticide use on agricultural GDP in leading countries in agricultural production; panel data analysis research

Hacı Hayrettin Tıraş
Assoc. Lect., Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye

Published 2024-03-25


  • Tarım, Gübre, Pestisit, Tarımsal GSYİH, Eşbütünleşme
  • Agriculture, Fertilizer, Pesticide, Agricultural GDP, Cointegration

How to Cite

Tıraş, H. H. (2024). The effect of agricultural fertilizer and pesticide use on agricultural GDP in leading countries in agricultural production; panel data analysis research. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 12(1), 132–147. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v12i1.2352


While agricultural activities carried out under natural conditions for thousands of years have met the food needs of all people, the rapid increase in population and limited agricultural areas have raised concerns that malnutrition and hunger problems will arise in many parts of the world. As a result of the studies carried out to solve the problem, new agricultural systems using agricultural fertilizers and pesticides have been developed to obtain more and higher quality products per unit area. Most fertilizers and pesticides used in agricultural production are chemicals that significantly contributing to productivity. Accordingly, using fertilizers and pesticides is the right way to increase yield and quality in agricultural production. It is understood that fertilizers and pesticides, among the indispensable inputs of agricultural production today, will continue to be used in the future. This study aims to estimate the effect of fertilizer and pesticide use in agricultural production on agricultural GDP by using panel data for the period 1995-2019 for the top six countries (China, India, Brazil, USA, Indonesia and Russia) with the highest agricultural production on a global scale as of 2020 using panel econometric methods. The study variables are the amount of fertilizer used per hectare, total amount of pesticides sold and agricultural GDP. The analysis results indicate a long-run relationship between the variables and reveal that the long-run coefficient of fertilizer use is statistically significant, while the long-run coefficient of pesticide use is statistically insignificant.


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