Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The mediating role of individual-organizational alignment in the effect of information sharing on whistleblowing

Mustafa Altıntaş
Assoc. Dr., Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi, Yozgat, Türkiye
Ayşegül Turan
Assoc. Dr., Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Kırşehir, Türkiye

Published 2024-03-25


  • Bilgi Paylaşımı, Birey-Örgüt Uyumu, Erdemli Raporlama (Whistleblowing)
  • Information Sharing, Individual-Organizational Alignment, Whistleblowing

How to Cite

Altıntaş, M., & Turan, A. (2024). The mediating role of individual-organizational alignment in the effect of information sharing on whistleblowing. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 12(1), 41–59. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v12i1.2336


The purpose of this study is to determine the mediating role of individual-organization fit in the effect of information sharing on whistleblowing in organizations. The study is important in terms of raising awareness about the concept of whistleblowing. In the study where quantitative research design is adopted, the sample consists of employees working in small, medium and large-scale enterprises operating in Kırşehir. Data were collected through an online survey with 448 people reached by convenience sampling method. Partial least squares path analysis (PLS-SEM) was preferred to analyse the collected data and the analysis was performed using Smart-PLS statistical software. According to the findings obtained from the research data, the mediating role of individual-organization fit in the effect of knowledge sharing attitude on whistleblowing was not found. In addition, knowledge sharing has a positive and significant effect on individual-organization fit and individual-organization fit has a positive and significant effect on whistleblowing. The results show that knowledge sharing attitudes and individual-organization fit in organizations have an effect on revealing unethical results. Positive information sharing attitudes of employees improve their individual-organization fit, and as individual-organization fit improves, their tendency towards whistleblowing behaviour increases. While employees' positive knowledge sharing attitudes encourage whistleblowing behaviour, the individual's fit with the organization does not increase this incentive. On the contrary, employees' negative information sharing attitudes encourage the avoidance of whistleblowing behaviour, while the individual's incompatibility with the organization does not increase this incentive. It is possible to state that the employee's concerns about whistleblowing behaviour creating a negative cultural perception develop independently of the individual's compatibility or incompatibility with the organization and therefore do not have a mediating role.


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