Cilt 8 Sayı 1 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Dr. Öğr., Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Dr. Öğr., Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

Yayınlanmış 25.03.2020

Anahtar Kelimeler

  • Leadership, Organizational Performance, Leadership Styles, Organizational Culture, Environmental Uncertainty
  • Liderlik, Örgütsel Performans, Liderlik Tarzları, Örgüt Kültürü, Çevresel Belirsizlik

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

LİDERLİK VE ÖRGÜTSEL PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. (2020). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(1), 1044-1095.

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

LİDERLİK VE ÖRGÜTSEL PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. (2020). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(1), 1044-1095.


Son birkaç yılda, liderliğe gösterilen ilginin artması ve liderliğin örgütsel performans üzerindeki etkilerini özetleyen çalışmaların limitliliği nedeniyle, liderlik ve bunun örgütsel performansı nasıl etkilediği konusunda net bir inceleme sunmanın yararlı olduğuna inanıyoruz. Bu çalışma, mevcut literatürü kavramsallaştırmak için kapsamlı bir model oluşturmak amacıyla, liderlik ve örgütsel performans üzerine ampirik çalışmaları gözden geçirir. Yazarlar etki faktörü en az 2 olan ana dergileri ve tüm Liderlik başlıklı SSCI dergilerini gözden geçirmiştir. 1957-2017 yılları arasında yayınlanan 687 çalışma analiz edilmiş ve bunların 486'sı liderlik ve performans üzerine ampirik çalışmalar olma kriterlerini karşılamıştır. 486 çalışmadan 20'sinde Örgütsel Performans bağımlı değişken olarak kullanmış ve bu nedenle modelimize dahil edilmiştir. Bu çalışmayla, yazarlar alanı üç şekilde genişletmeyi amaçlamaktadır: Birincisi, yazarlar, incelemelerine dayanarak, liderlik tarzı ve liderlik özelliklerinin düzenleyici ve aracı değişkenler aracılığıyla örgütsel performans üzerindeki etkilerinin kapsamlı bir modelini haritalamıştır. İkincisi, yazarlar, literatürde liderlik ve örgütsel performans üzerine mevcut değişkenleri tablolaştırarak sergilemiş ve değerlendirmiştir. Son olarak, bu çalışma literatürdeki boşlukları saptayıp, gelecek araştırma gündemlerine ışık tutmayı hedeflerken, aynı zamanda pratiğe yönelik önemli olabilecek hususları da özetlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  1. empirical studies included in this review are marked with “*”, 20 articles on organizational performance are marked with “**”.
  2. *Ashkanasy, N. M., & Paulsen, N. (2013). The influence of follower mood on leader mood and task performance: An affective, follower-centric perspective of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(4), 496-515.
  3. *Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J., & Luthans, F. (2011). Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 282-294.
  4. *Avolio, B. J., Howell, J. M., & Sosik, J. J. (1999). A funny thing happened on the way to the bottom line: Humor as a moderator of leadership style effects. Academy of management journal, 42(2), 219-227.
  5. *Awamleh, R., & Gardner, W. L. (1999). Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(3), 345-373.
  6. *Barrett, J. D., Vessey, W. B., & Mumford, M. D. (2011). Getting leaders to think: Effects of training, threat, and pressure on performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(4), 729-750.
  7. *Bartone, P. T., Snook, S. A., Forsythe, G. B., Lewis, P., & Bullis, R. C. (2007). Psychosocial development and leader performance of military officer cadets. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(5), 490-504.
  8. *Bedell-Avers, K. E., Hunter, S. T., & Mumford, M. D. (2008). Conditions of problem-solving and the performance of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders: A comparative experimental study. The Leadership Quarterly, 19(1), 89-106.
  9. **Berson, Y., Oreg, S., & Dvir, T. (2008). CEO values, organizational culture and firm outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(5), 615-633.
  10. **Boehm, S. A., Dwertmann, D. J., Bruch, H., & Shamir, B. (2015). The missing link? Investigating organizational identity strength and transformational leadership climate as mechanisms that connect CEO charisma with firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 156-171.
  11. *Boies, K., Fiset, J., & Gill, H. (2015). Communication and trust are key: Unlocking the relationship between leadership and team performance and creativity. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(6), 1080-1094.
  12. *Boyce, L. A., Zaccaro, S. J., & Wisecarver, M. Z. (2010). Propensity for self-development of leadership attributes: Understanding, predicting, and supporting performance of leader self-development. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(1), 159-178.
  13. *Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 270-283.
  14. *Caesens, G., & Stinglhamber, F. (2014). The relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement: The role of self-efficacy and its outcomes. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 64(5), 259-267.
  15. **Carmeli, A., Gelbard, R., & Gefen, D. (2010). The importance of innovation leadership in cultivating strategic fit and enhancing firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(3), 339-349.
  16. Carmeli, A., Schaubroeck, J., & Tishler, A. (2011). How CEO empowering leadership shapes top management team processes: Implications for firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 399-411.
  17. *Caughron, J. J., & Mumford, M. D. (2012). Embedded leadership: How do a leader's superiors impact middle-management performance? The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 342-353.
  18. *Cavazotte, F., Moreno, V., & Hickmann, M. (2012). Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 443-455.
  19. *Chiniara, M., & Bentein, K. (2016). Linking servant leadership to individual performance: Differentiating the mediating role of autonomy, competence and relatedness need satisfaction. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(1), 124-141.
  20. *Clark, J. R., Murphy, C., & Singer, S. J. (2014). When do leaders matter? Ownership, governance and the influence of CEOs on firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 358-372.
  21. *Cogliser, C. C., Schriesheim, C. A., Scandura, T. A., & Gardner, W. L. (2009). Balance in leader and follower perceptions of leader–member exchange: Relationships with performance and work attitudes. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 452-465.
  22. *Cole, M. S., Bedeian, A. G., & Bruch, H. (2011). Linking leader behavior and leadership consensus to team performance: Integrating direct consensus and dispersion models of group composition. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 383-398.
  23. *Connelly, M. S., Gilbert, J. A., Zaccaro, S. J., Threlfall, K. V., Marks, M. A., & Mumford, M. D. (2000). Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 65-86.
  24. *De Hoogh, A. H., Greer, L. L., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2015). Diabolical dictators or capable commanders? An investigation of the differential effects of autocratic leadership on team performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(5), 687-701.
  25. *Deinert, A., Homan, A. C., Boer, D., Voelpel, S. C., & Gutermann, D. (2015). Transformational leadership sub-dimensions and their link to leaders' personality and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(6), 1095-1120.
  26. ** de Waal, A., & Sivro, M. (2012). The relation between servant leadership, organizational performance, and the high-performance organization framework. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(2), 173-190.
  27. *Duchon, D., & Plowman, D. A. (2005). Nurturing the spirit at work: Impact on work unit performance. The leadership quarterly, 16(5), 807-833.
  28. **Ensley, M. D., Hmieleski, K. M., & Pearce, C. L. (2006). The importance of vertical and shared leadership within new venture top management teams: Implications for the performance of startups. The leadership quarterly, 17(3), 217-231.
  29. *Eubanks, D. L., & Mumford, M. D. (2010). Leader errors and the influence on performance: An investigation of differing levels of impact. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(5), 809-825.
  30. **Fernandez, S., Cho, Y. J., & Perry, J. L. (2010). Exploring the link between integrated leadership and public sector performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(2), 308-323.
  31. *Giessner, S. R., van Knippenberg, D., & Sleebos, E. (2009). License to fail? How leader group prototypicality moderates the effects of leader performance on perceptions of leadership effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 434-451.
  32. *Golden, T. D., & Veiga, J. F. (2008). The impact of superior–subordinate relationships on the commitment, job satisfaction, and performance of virtual workers. The Leadership Quarterly, 19(1), 77-88.
  33. Grant, A. M., Gino, F., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). Reversing the extraverted leadership advantage: The role of employee proactivity. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 528-550.
  34. ** Liu, H., Cutcher, L., & Grant, D. (2017). Authentic leadership in context: An analysis of banking CEO narratives during the global financial crisis. Human Relations, 70(6), 694-724.
  35. *Hambley, L. A., O’Neill, T. A., & Kline, T. J. (2007). Virtual team leadership: The effects of leadership style and communication medium on team interaction styles and outcomes. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 103(1), 1-20.
  36. *Harris, K. J., Kacmar, K. M., & Zivnuska, S. (2007). An investigation of abusive supervision as a predictor of performance and the meaning of work as a moderator of the relationship. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3), 252-263.
  37. *Harris, K. J., Wheeler, A. R., & Kacmar, K. M. (2009). Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 371-382.
  38. *Haselhuhn, M. P., Wong, E. M., Ormiston, M. E., Inesi, M. E., & Galinsky, A. D. (2014). Negotiating face-to-face: Men's facial structure predicts negotiation performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(5), 835-845.
  39. *Haynie, J. J., Cullen, K. L., Lester, H. F., Winter, J., & Svyantek, D. J. (2014). Differentiated leader–member exchange, justice climate, and performance: Main and interactive effects. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(5), 912-922.
  40. *Hirak, R., Peng, A. C., Carmeli, A., & Schaubroeck, J. M. (2012). Linking leader inclusiveness to work unit performance: The importance of psychological safety and learning from failures. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(1), 107-117.
  41. **Hmieleski, K. M., & Ensley, M. D. (2007). A contextual examination of new venture performance: entrepreneur leadership behavior, top management team heterogeneity, and environmental dynamism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(7), 865-889.
  42. *Hoffman, E. L., & Lord, R. G. (2013). A taxonomy of event-level dimensions: Implications for understanding leadership processes, behavior, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(4), 558-571.
  43. *Hoffman, E. L., & Lord, R. G. (2013). A taxonomy of event-level dimensions: Implications for understanding leadership processes, behavior, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(4), 558-571.
  44. *Howell, J. M., Neufeld, D. J., & Avolio, B. J. (2005). Examining the relationship of leadership and physical distance with business unit performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 16(2), 273-285.
  45. *Huang, X., Iun, J., Liu, A., & Gong, Y. (2010). Does participative leadership enhance work performance by inducing empowerment or trust? The differential effects on managerial and non‐managerial subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(1), 122-143.
  46. *Jiwen Song, L., Tsui, A. S., & Law, K. S. (2009). Unpacking employee responses to organizational exchange mechanisms: The role of social and economic exchange perceptions. Journal of Management, 35(1), 56-93.
  47. "*Johnson, S. K., & Dipboye, R. L. (2008). Effects of charismatic content and delivery on follower task performance: The moderating role of task charisma conduciveness. Group & Organization Management, 33(1), 77-106.
  48. *Jung, D. I., & Avolio, B. J. (1999). Effects of leadership style and followers' cultural orientation on performance in group and individual task conditions. Academy of management journal, 42(2), 208-218.
  49. *Jung, D. I., & Avolio, B. J. (2000). Opening the black box: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of trust and value congruence on transformational and transactional leadership. Journal of organizational Behavior, 949-964.
  50. *Kellett, J. B., Humphrey, R. H., & Sleeth, R. G. (2002). Empathy and complex task performance: Two routes to leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(5), 523-544.
  51. **Koene, B. A., Vogelaar, A. L., & Soeters, J. L. (2002). Leadership effects on organizational climate and financial performance: Local leadership effect in chain organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(3), 193-215.
  52. *Kollée, J. A., Giessner, S. R., & van Knippenberg, D. (2013). Leader evaluations after performance feedback: The role of follower mood. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 203-214.
  53. *Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Dysvik, A., & Haerem, T. (2012). Economic and social leader–member exchange relationships and follower performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 756-765.
  54. *Landry, G., & Vandenberghe, C. (2012). Relational commitments in employee–supervisor dyads and employee job performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 293-308.
  55. *Lapierre, L. M., Naidoo, L. J., & Bonaccio, S. (2012). Leaders' relational self-concept and followers' task performance: Implications for mentoring provided to followers. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 766-774.
  56. *Le Blanc, P. M., & González-Romá, V. (2012). A team level investigation of the relationship between Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) differentiation, and commitment and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 534-544.
  57. *Lin, B., Mainemelis, C., & Kark, R. (2016). Leaders' responses to creative deviance: Differential effects on subsequent creative deviance and creative performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), 537-556.
  58. *Marcy, R. T., & Mumford, M. D. (2010). Leader cognition: Improving leader performance through causal analysis. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(1), 1-19.
  59. *Markham, S. E., Yammarino, F. J., Murry, W. D., & Palanski, M. E. (2010). Leader–member exchange, shared values, and performance: Agreement and levels of analysis do matter. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(3), 469-480.
  60. *Marta, S., Leritz, L. E., & Mumford, M. D. (2005). Leadership skills and the group performance: Situational demands, behavioral requirements, and planning. The Leadership Quarterly, 16(1), 97-120.
  61. *McColl-Kennedy, J. R., & Anderson, R. D. (2002). Impact of leadership style and emotions on subordinate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(5), 545-559.
  62. *Mehra, A., Smith, B. R., Dixon, A. L., & Robertson, B. (2006). Distributed leadership in teams: The network of leadership perceptions and team performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(3), 232-245.
  63. *Menges, J. I., Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Bruch, H. (2011). Transformational leadership climate: Performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(5), 893-909.
  64. *Mohammed, S., & Nadkarni, S. (2011). Temporal diversity and team performance: The moderating role of team temporal leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 489-508.
  65. *Montano, D., Reeske, A., Franke, F., & Hüffmeier, J. (2017). Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta‐analysis from an occupational health perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 327-350.
  66. *Mumford, M. D., Antes, A. L., Caughron, J. J., & Friedrich, T. L. (2008). Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership: Multi-level influences on emergence and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 19(2), 144-160.
  67. *Mumford, M. D., Steele, L., McIntosh, T., & Mulhearn, T. (2015). Forecasting and leader performance: Objective cognition in a socio-organizational context. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(3), 359-369.
  68. *Mumford, M. D., Todd, E. M., Higgs, C., & McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive skills and leadership performance: The nine critical skills. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 24-39.
  69. *Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Johnson, J. F., Diana, M., Gilbert, J. A., & Threlfall, K. V. (2000). Patterns of leader characteristics: Implications for performance and development. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 115-133.
  70. *Naidoo, L. J. (2016). Leader opportunity versus threat verbal framing and nonverbal emotional expressions impact followers' creative performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(6), 869-882.
  71. ** Nazarian, A., Soares, A., & Lottermoser, B. (2017). Inherited organizational performance? The perceptions of generation Y on the influence of leadership styles. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(8), 1078-1094.
  72. *Ndofor, H. A., Priem, R. L., Rathburn, J. A., & Dhir, A. K. (2009). What does the new boss think? How new leaders' cognitive communities and recent “top-job” success affect organizational change and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(5), 799-813.
  73. *Neves, P. (2012). Organizational cynicism: Spillover effects on supervisor–subordinate relationships and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 965-976.
  74. *Nevicka, B., De Hoogh, A. H., Van Vianen, A. E., Beersma, B., & McIlwain, D. (2011). All I need is a stage to shine: Narcissists' leader emergence and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(5), 910-925.
  75. *Ng, T. W. (2016). Transformational leadership and performance outcomes: Analyses of multiple mediation pathways. The Leadership Quarterly.
  76. *Nohe, C., Michaelis, B., Menges, J. I., Zhang, Z., & Sonntag, K. (2013). Charisma and organizational change: A multilevel study of perceived charisma, commitment to change, and team performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(2), 378-389.
  77. *Olsson, L., Hemlin, S., & Pousette, A. (2012). A multi-level analysis of leader–member exchange and creative performance in research groups. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 604-619.
  78. *Osborn, R. N., & Marion, R. (2009). Contextual leadership, transformational leadership and the performance of international innovation seeking alliances. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(2), 191-206.
  79. *Palanski, M. E., & Yammarino, F. J. (2011). Impact of behavioral integrity on follower job performance: A three-study examination. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(4), 765-786.
  80. "*Peterson, S. J., Walumbwa, F. O., Avolio, B. J., & Hannah, S. T. (2012). RETRACTED: The relationship between authentic leadership and follower job performance: The mediating role of follower positivity in extreme contexts. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 502-516.
  81. *Pillemer, J., Graham, E. R., & Burke, D. M. (2014). The face says it all: CEOs, gender, and predicting corporate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(5), 855-864.
  82. *Pirola-Merlo, A., Härtel, C., Mann, L., & Hirst, G. (2002). How leaders influence the impact of affective events on team climate and performance in R&D teams. The leadership quarterly, 13(5), 561-581.
  83. *Puffer, S. M., & Weintrop, J. B. (1995). CEO and board leadership: The influence of organizational performance, board composition, and retirement on CEO successor origin. The Leadership Quarterly, 6(1), 49-68.
  84. **Reina, C. S., Zhang, Z., & Peterson, S. J. (2014). CEO grandiose narcissism and firm performance: The role of organizational identification. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(5), 958-971.
  85. *Rowe, W. G., Cannella, A. A., Rankin, D., & Gorman, D. (2005). Leader succession and organizational performance: Integrating the common-sense, ritual
  86. **Rule, N. O., & Ambady, N. (2011). Face and fortune: Inferences of personality from Managing Partners' faces predict their law firms' financial success. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(4), 690-696.
  87. *Sadri, G., Weber, T. J., & Gentry, W. A. (2011). Empathic emotion and leadership performance: An empirical analysis across 38 countries. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(5), 818-830.
  88. *Santos, C. M., Passos, A. M., Uitdewilligen, S., & Nübold, A. (2016). Shared temporal cognitions as substitute for temporal leadership: An analysis of their effects on temporal conflict and team performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), 574-587.
  89. *Santos, J. P., Caetano, A., & Tavares, S. M. (2015). Is training leaders in functional leadership a useful tool for improving the performance of leadership functions and team effectiveness?. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(3), 470-484.
  90. *Shea, C. M., & Howell, J. M. (1999). Charismatic leadership and task feedback: A laboratory study of their effects on self-efficacy and task performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(3), 375-396.
  91. *Shipper, F., & Davy, J. (2002). A model and investigation of managerial skills, employees' attitudes, and managerial performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(2), 95-120.
  92. **Sirén, C., Patel, P. C., & Wincent, J. (2016). How do harmonious passion and obsessive passion moderate the influence of a CEO's change-oriented leadership on company performance?. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), 653-670.
  93. *Sosik, J. J. (2001). Self-other agreement on charismatic leadership: Relationships with work attitudes and managerial performance. Group & Organization Management, 26(4), 484-511.
  94. *Sosik, J. J., Gentry, W. A., & Chun, J. U. (2012). The value of virtue in the upper echelons: A multisource examination of executive character strengths and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 367-382.
  95. *Sosik, J. J., Juzbasich, J., & Chun, J. U. (2011). Effects of moral reasoning and management level on ratings of charismatic leadership, in-role and extra-role performance of managers: A multi-source examination. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 434-450.
  96. *Strang, S. E., & Kuhnert, K. W. (2009). Personality and leadership developmental levels as predictors of leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 421-433.
  97. *Sturm, R. E., Vera, D., & Crossan, M. (2016). The entanglement of leader character and leader competence and its impact on performance. The Leadership Quarterly.
  98. **Tosi, H. L., Misangyi, V. F., Fanelli, A., Waldman, D. A., & Yammarino, F. J. (2004). CEO charisma, compensation, and firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 15(3), 405-420.
  99. *van der Kam, N. A., Janssen, O., van der Vegt, G. S., & Stoker, J. I. (2014). The role of vertical conflict in the relationship between leader self-enhancement and leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 267-281.
  100. *Vidyarthi, P. R., Anand, S., & Liden, R. C. (2014). Do emotionally perceptive leaders motivate higher employee performance? The moderating role of task interdependence and power distance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 232-244.
  101. *Visser, V. A., van Knippenberg, D., van Kleef, G. A., & Wisse, B. (2013). How leader displays of happiness and sadness influence follower performance: Emotional contagion and creative versus analytical performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 172-188.
  102. **Waldman, D. A., Ramirez, G. G., House, R. J., & Puranam, P. (2001). Does leadership matter? CEO leadership attributes and profitability under conditions of perceived environmental uncertainty. Academy of management journal, 44(1), 134-143.
  103. **Wales, W. J., Patel, P. C., & Lumpkin, G. T. (2013). In pursuit of greatness: CEO narcissism, entrepreneurial orientation, and firm performance variance. Journal of Management Studies, 50(6), 1041-1069.
  104. *Walumbwa, F. O., Morrison, E. W., & Christensen, A. L. (2012). Ethical leadership and group in-role performance: The mediating roles of group conscientiousness and group voice. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 953-964.
  105. *Wang, A. C., Chiang, J. T. J., Tsai, C. Y., Lin, T. T., & Cheng, B. S. (2013). Gender makes the difference: The moderating role of leader gender on the relationship between leadership styles and subordinate performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 122(2), 101-113.
  106. *Wang, G., & Seibert, S. E. (2015). The Impact of leader emotion display frequency on follower performance: Leader surface acting and mean emotion display as boundary conditions. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(4), 577-593.
  107. **Wang, H., Tsui, A. S., & Xin, K. R. (2011). CEO leadership behaviors, organizational performance, and employees' attitudes. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(1), 92-105.
  108. **Wilderom, C. P., van den Berg, P. T., & Wiersma, U. J. (2012). A longitudinal study of the effects of charismatic leadership and organizational culture on objective and perceived corporate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 835-848.
  109. **Zhang, X. A., Li, N., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2015). Getting everyone on board: The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leader-rated firm performance. Journal of Management, 41(7), 1898-1933.
  110. *Zhu, W., He, H., Treviño, L. K., Chao, M. M., & Wang, W. (2015). Ethical leadership and follower voice and performance: The role of follower identifications and entity morality beliefs. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(5), 702-718.
  111. Agle, B. R., Mitchell, R. K., & Sonnenfeld, J. A. (1999). Who matters to Ceos? An investigation of stakeholder attributes and salience, corporate performance, and Ceo values. Academy of management journal, 42(5), 507-525.
  112. Allix, N., & Gronn, P. (2005). ‘Leadership as a Manifestation of Knowledge. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 33(2), 181-196.
  113. Ames, D. R., Rose, P., & Anderson, C. P. (2006). The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism. Journal of Research in Personality, 40(4), 440-450.
  114. Antonakis, J., & Atwater, L. (2002). Leader distance: A review and a proposed theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(6), 673-704.
  115. Ashforth, B. E., & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of management review, 14(1), 20-39.
  116. Ashton, M. C., Lee, K., & Paunonen, S. V. (2002). What is the central feature of extraversion? Social attention versus reward sensitivity. Journal of personality and social psychology, 83(1), 245.
  117. Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1990). Transformational leadership development: Manual for the multifactor leadership questionnaire. Consulting Psychologists Press.
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