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Makale Gönder Makale Başvuru Dosya Şablonu BMIJ Dergisi Ödeme Sayfası Makale Başvuru Rehberi (Yeni) BMIJ Yazar Formu BMIJ Yayım ve Yazım Kuralları Hakem Süreci (Çift Körleme) Etik Politikası Telif Hakkı Politikası ve Lisanslama Koşulları İntihal Tespiti Yayımlanacak Makale Mizanpaj Şablonu Genişletilmiş İngilizce Özet Rehberi BMIJ Cevap Mektubu Formu APA 6 Kuralları
- BMIJ Ödeme
- Makale Başvuru Dosya Şablonu
- Makale Gönder
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Yayınlanmış 31.07.2015
Anahtar Kelimeler
- Dividend Policy, Stock Prices
- Kâr Dağıtım Politikası, Borsa Fiyatları
Nasıl Atıf Yapılır
KÂR DAĞITIM POLİTİKASININ BORSA FİYATLARI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. (2015). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 3(1), 56-87. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v3i1.101
Nasıl Atıf Yapılır
KÂR DAĞITIM POLİTİKASININ BORSA FİYATLARI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. (2015). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 3(1), 56-87. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v3i1.101
This investigates the effect of dividend policy on stock prices. Objective of the study is to see if there exists any relationship between dividend policy and stock prices. We analyzed 45 non-financial companies listed on KSE-100 index that have earned profits and paid dividend for a period of twelve year w.e.f. 2001. Technique adopted for sampling adopted is convenience sampling. As the nature of data is panel therefore, pooled regression, fixed and random effect tests are run. Random effect results are focused after applying Hausman’s test.Regression Results witness that Dividend per Share andRetention Ratio havean insignificant relationship with Share Market Prices.Dividend Payout Ratio has a significant positive relationship with Share Prices as supported by the Bird in hand theory suggested that owners give preference to a dollar of estimated dividends over a likely dollar of capital gains. Profit after tax, Earning per share and Return on Equity are the three control variables. Profit after Tax has insignificant relation to Stock Prices. Earnings per Share have positive significant relation to Stock Prices. There is negative significant relation between Return on Equity and Share Prices. It is recommended that firms in the sample should regularly pay dividend as it will cause an upward movement in the stock market prices. Whereas profit retention by firms will result in a decrease in the value of the stock market prices.